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Help for your dry eyes

10 juillet 2015

If your eyes feel tired, irritated and sore after a hard day, or when you've been out in the wind or reading for too long, you may have dry eye syndrome. It tends to happen more as we get older because our eyes produce less moisturizing tear fluid, and the tear film itself is less rich in lubricating oils.

Help for your dry eyes

Classic symptoms

  • Other symptoms include itching, slight redness, grittiness and more "sleepy dust."
  • Curiously, your eyes may also water a lot in response to irritation — even to the extent of tears running down your face — but these watery tears don't help and will often make your eyes even drier — rather like licking your lips in a cold wind. The good news is that it's easily remedied.

Self-help for dry eyes

  • Ask your pharmacist about over-the-counter remedies, but if these don't work within a few days, see your doctor.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is good for your eyes in general and helpful for avoiding dry eyes. For example, eating oily fish, walnuts and other sources of omega-3 fats is known to be protective, so include them in your diet.
  • Or, if you are taking drugs for high blood pressure (medication known to contribute to dry eyes), help to lower your blood pressure — and possibly reduce your medication — by cutting down on salt and alcohol, and become more active.
  • And if you don't smoke, you won't suffer the eye irritation that smoke causes, which is also implicated in dry eyes.

Testing for tears

Your doctor can measure how much tear film you produce by placing a tiny strip of filter paper inside your lower eyelid. After five minutes, the strip is examined to see how much liquid it has absorbed.

Treating dry eyes

• Artificial tears Special eye drops, called artificial tears, keep the eye moist, boost lubrication and help to ease dry eyes. You can get a prescription for them or get them over-the-counter.

• Ointment Use eye ointment to keep your eyes lubricated overnight, but only apply at bedtime as it blurs your vision. If you wear contact lenses, take them out before using eye ointment.

• Surgery Severe dry eyes can be rectified with a range of simple procedures done by an ophthalmologist. Talk to your doctor about this and, if it seems a good option, ask for a referral.

Five tips to help dry eyes

  • Take regular breaks when doing close-up work, such as reading or sewing.
  • Make a conscious effort to blink, and take regular breaks when watching television or using a computer.
  • Some conditions or locations make your eyes even drier — sunshine, wind, high altitudes, air conditioning, aircraft cabins, dusty conditions like building sites — so avoid them where possible.
  • For the same reason, avoid electric fans; try a home humidifier or stand bowls of water on or near radiators.
  • Avoid smoky atmospheres.


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