2920 Dundas St W, Toronto ON M6P 1Y8
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The minute you walk into Pandemonium Books & Discs you realize the paradox: it’s not a wicked place as the name would suggest, but perhaps it could be a wild place — for those who happily disappear into the fantastical pages and sounds of books and music.

A large, bright 3,000-square-foot space, Pandemonium Books & Discs is home to almost 4,000 used books and more than 10,000 records, a collection owner Neill Cunningham proudly describes as being pretty inclusive.

“I’m not missing much,” he says. “I have a section on Mediterranean, Polish, opera, a Toronto section, one for local musicians. I think I have one of the best reggae and jazz sections in Toronto.”

Neill was able to combine his love for books and music when he opened the store in October 2000, at a time when the Junction was a bit depressed. With encouragement from his wife and the attraction of affordable rents, he found a space and as his business grew, in 2012 it expanded and he moved into his present location at 2920 Dundas Street West.

“I was taking a chance that the Junction was an up-and-coming neighbourhood and getting in and becoming established before it was a successful neighbourhood,” says Neill. “It’s been great.”

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