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Pointers to growing prize pincushion perennials

9 octobre 2015

These low compact perennials should be front and centre of any garden. Here are a few tips on getting the most from these pretty plants.

Pointers to growing prize pincushion perennials

What is a pincushion flower

  • The foliage forms neat mounds and the nectar-rich flowers, which draw butterflies like magnets, bloom continuously from late spring to fall, staying fresh even in high heat.
  • Flower colours range from true blue and pink to soft yellow and cream.
  • Each lacy, button-shaped blossom, five centimetres (two inches) across, is composed of tightly massed little florets held on a wiry stem that's about 30 centimetres (12 inches) long.
  • White-tipped stamens peeking above the petals look like tiny pins stuck into the flower, hence the common name.
  • Each flower lasts several days, which is ideal for use in bouquets.
  • The finely divided gray-green foliage stays low and compact, making this care-free perennial suitable for edging borders and paths.

All in the family

Here are some of the top varietals of pincushion:

  • Scabios 'Butterfly Blue' and Pink Mist -- Butterfly Blue has stronger growth and more blooms per season than other pincushion flowers. It needs no staking and produces hundreds of care-free lavender-blue flowers per plant. It's sister Pink Mist is equally prolific and has bright pink flowers.
  • S. ochreleuc, a drought-tolerant perennial that's great for rock gardens, produces soft butter-yellow flowers from spring through fall.
  • S. caucasic 'Alba' holds its many white flowers on 60 centimetre (25 inch) stems. Grow this taller pincushion flower behind 'Butterfly Blue' and 'Pink Mist' for a more lush effect.
  • S. graminifoli forms mats of slightly silvery grass-like leaves and has rose-pink to lilac flowers.

Growing pincushion flower

  • Grow pincushion flowers in full sun or bright partial shade, in near-neutral soil amended with organic matter.
  • Container-grown plants can be set out anytime, but spring is best.
  • Set plants at the same depth at which they grew in their containers and keep the soil lightly moist after planting and for the rest of the summer.
  • A thin mulch of rotted leaves, shredded bark or other organic material will help keep the soil cool and moist.
  • Gather blossoms for bouquets and remove faded flowers to keep the plants flowering as long as possible. The more you cut, the more buds will develop.
  • A deep drench with a liquid all-purpose plant food in midsummer will help keep plants in bloom longer into the fall.
  • Healthy, well-fed pincushion flowers rarely have problems with pests or diseases.
  • Although they may look unsightly, do not cut plants back after they turn brown in winter, because the stems will help shelter the crowns from ice, snow and frigid winds.
  • Do clip off the old foliage first thing in spring before new foliage emerges.

Propogate pincushion flowers

To propagate pincushion flowers:

  • Dig and divide plants in early spring.
  • Or, take 15-centimetre-long (six-inch-long) stem cuttings in mid-spring, remove leaves from the lower halves of the stems and set them in moist soil to half their length.
  • Keep the soil moist until they are rooted and growing and can be planted in the garden.

The style of flower the pincushion produces is unique and eye catching. It is easy to maintain making it an easy plant to brighten your garden

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